
AID Installed 14 High Masts installed in Industrial Area no. 1 and Solar street lights have been installed in Siya Industrial Area.


The underground storm water line is already established in Industrial area No. 1 and 2 & 3. Open Storm water line has also been established in Siya Industrial area.

ACHIVEMENTS UNDER STRIVE : We have appointed 188 apprentices under various trades in our member industries.  The apprentices are working in total 43 Companies situated at Dewas.


Association of Industries Dewas organized a Rojgar mela on 07.09.2022 at ITI Dewas.

Booster dose camp was organized at Bhandari hospital Industrial area no.1 Dewas in order to control the outbreak of pandemic again the main objective of the booster dose was to restore vaccine effectiveness from that being no longer sufficient. In addition to these camps for booster shorts were also organized in the Industrial Area Premises where the no. of employees was more in the Industries.  

GREEN BELT DEVELOPMENT: two green belts in front of Agrawal Chemicals and Khanuja Wood works have been established in industrial Area No. 1 . On Green belt which is situated in Khanuja Wood works has been maintained by Dewas Techno Product Pvt. Ltd. and recently plantation has also been done by M/s Cummins Turbo Technologies Pvt. Ltd. in the remaining Area in the said green belt. Similarly, green belt which is situated in Agrawal Chemicals has been maintained by District level Industrial Areas Maintenance Committee.


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